No pain, no gain

What´s your story with Juan Valentín CORTÉS FÁBREGAS

Fellow achievers, today is indeed a special day. I will post the first interview from the series: What´s your story. I decided to feature fellow achievers here to share with us their experiences and how they are developing their skills in this journey we all are in which is to achieve financial freedom and inner peace and be able to live the life we dream of.

I am very excited to offer you this series, and I want to encourage you to be my next guest. Every one of us has something unique to share and to teach. I will be happy to be the medium in this matter. Let´s help each other and make this community grow even faster and stronger.

My first guest is Juan Cortés Fábregas from Madrid, Spain, and living currently in Germany. He is an IT engineer, fellow NWA 2019 achiever, author, and blogger.


The first part is about a personal introduction and the two primary questions: What does keep him motivated? His own projects like the book business, learning how to trade, and blogging about mindset. 
How does he define financial freedom? Having enough passive income to not depend on the job. Having enough to live the real-life, doing what really matters.

The second part covers the 4 legs for success: Mindset, his book business, trading, and blogging.

Three things he will do as a millionaire:  give up his current job, spend more time with his family, learn more languages and improve the ones he already speaks and third but not least, give back to the universe by working as a volunteer


The third part is about book recommendations, 3 must-read books.
Robert Kiyosaki's rich dad poor dad because it is an eye-opener; The secrets of a millionaire mind from T. Harv Eker to learn about mindset, how to achieve financial freedom and personal development in general. The third book is Unlimited power from Tony Robbins, a book about mindset, which is the foundation to achieve and maintain success in the first place.

What Juan does to keep his body and soul healthy: Sport and healthy food. If you want to achieve your goals, you need good energy.

A crazy thing he would do with a lot of money: Throw a BIG party with friends, not thinking about the cost. Travel first class. If you are doing well, you have to reward yourself.


The last part is about his passion. He wants to become a coach because he loves teaching. The second thing is learning languages to communicate better and also become your better version. 

Finally, his statement: NO PAIN, NO GAIN! You can achieve whatever you want, but you have to take action, make mistakes, learn from them, and move forward to your goals.

Social media connections

If you want to get in touch with Juan, check his blog on mindset mindsetmasters

Linkedin Juanvalentincortes 
Instagram @juanva86 

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